Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Bammboo: Naturally exotic

Bamboo is a one type of colony plant. such as wood, bamboo has been used historically as a building material as well as the manufacture of equipment and household appliances. Bamboo materials easily found at kitchenware, shelves, chairs, curtains, cupboards, etc. ...

 At first perhaps, manufacture of equipment and supplies from the bamboo material is made either in a simple model and process. But as the development over time, art and aesthetic aspect a little more affect those products. Forexample bamboo seats. Now this creation model, type and ornaments-ornaments vary widely. We put on the page of bamboo furniture is just a small portion of the model and type.

Bamboo has many types/varieties; black bamboo, yellow bamboo, greater spotted bamboo, etc. From some type of bamboo is the most widely used as material for the seats is a type of black bamboo and greater spotted type.

 Tips for choosing bamboo furniture:

1. Model and type adapted to the spacious and theme of room.   
2. Partitioning into itself must be considered because bamboo is relatively not stand with rain water and sunlight. 3. When exposed to direct sunlight can result in continuous color bamboo becomes paler/faded.

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